مجموعه برامج رائعه لشركه Adobe لن تجدها فى مكان واحد كلها نسخه كامله
كاتب الموضوع
angel malak Admin
عدد الرسائل : 140 العمر : 30 تاريخ التسجيل : 29/08/2008
موضوع: مجموعه برامج رائعه لشركه Adobe لن تجدها فى مكان واحد كلها نسخه كامله الثلاثاء يناير 27, 2009 6:34 am
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended
Ideal for film, video, and multimedia professionals and graphic and web designers using 3D and motion, as well as professionals in engineering and science, Adobe® Photoshop® CS3 Extended software delivers everything in Photoshop CS3 and more. Render and incorporate 3D images into your 2D composites. Stop time with easy editing of motion graphics on video layers. And probe your images with measurement, analysis, and visualization tools.